Competition Team

Open Studio Auditions 2020 - 2021 Competition Team

Any dancer interested in becoming a new member of one of our teams should attend our open audition on Thursday, July 9th at Noon. Current competition team members do not need to attend. Current company team members who wish to be evaluated for competition team should attend.  Dancers should be prepared to attend a ballet and jazz class and learn and execute specific dance combinations.
To register, please email [email protected] listing your dancers name and age. You will receive an email confirmation with more specific information.

Competition dance is a heightened program for the student dancer who is interested in aggressively pursuing their own personal best.  A competitive dancer may or may not be interested in becoming a professional dancer, but they are definitely interested in exploring their own capacity for developing their dancing ability to a significant degree. At Flash Pointe Dance we offer our competitive team exceptional instruction, innovative and exciting choreography, limitless opportunity, and professional mentorship. The competition dance experience is an exploration into Competition with Integrity. The limitations to your learning curve are set by you, the dancer. Your personal investment will determine your rate of advancement. If you are willing to offer the time and commitment required to become an exceptional dancer, we can make that happen for you. Our goal is to create a positive, nurturing atmosphere conducive to developing well-rounded dancers with a strong understanding of technique, choreography, and performance. This is not a group of soloists; but rather, it is a team of supportive, confident artists. Good sportsmanship and team conduct are also critical values which we aggressively encourage and require from our team mates as well as their families. Rewarding everyone, regardless of their effort does not prepare our children for the real world. Establishing a competitive environment with integrity and support is a more effective method to ease them in to the realities of life while keeping some of their childish wonder intact. We hope that every family involved with competition will discover their own child’s potential and determination, as well as become a part of a very supportive group of performers and their families.